Investment passions

Personal passions are what make life worth living. Our network of informed and experienced advisers can help turn your interests into compelling and rewarding investments.

Emotion and adrenaline

Much emotion is invested in the beauty and mythology of classic cars. But when it comes to investing, it’s vital to have a clear head beside you in the passenger seat, someone who shares your exhilaration but understands the indices, markets and levels of speculation involved.

Our connections are far-reaching and personal, and our network includes acknowledged experts who can help you navigate the classic car market with skill and discretion. From finding the right car at the right price, to realising the true value of your motoring investment – we’ll guide your journey.

Knowledge and appreciation

An appreciation of fine wine can be one of life’s great pleasures. It also offers the potential to provide a compelling and rewarding investment.

As with every investment, knowledge is key. That’s why we offer our clients a range of opportunities to add to their understanding and enjoyment of wine.

Our strong relationships with some of the UK’s longest established independent wine merchants and lasting connections with renowned Masters of Wine, offer both insight and entertainment. We host tasting events across our office network, bringing together clients and acknowledged experts.

Artistry and expertise

From the old masters to the contemporary avant-garde, the art world offers great opportunity for investors, as well as its own unique challenges.

Choosing what to buy, securing it at the right price, ensuring its provenance and insuring it as a valuable asset, all take skill and expertise. By introduction only, our network of industry experts can provide in-depth analysis of condition and context and a detailed understanding of the artist’s history and catalogue.

Markets move fast and not everything is as it first seems. We can help you to buy the very best available with confidence.

Beauty and provenance

Uniting a love of fine antiques with rewarding investment takes a good eye, sound judgment, and inside knowledge of the international market.

We share your passion and bring a steady hand and an informed opinion. We can work with you to understand what you’re searching for and connect you with the very best examples available. Our network of specialist advisers know the market and are known as informed and experienced dealers.

Helping clients to return antiques to the market takes care and attention too. We can be on hand to support around valuations, specialist insurance, brokerage and shipping.

Sparkle and shine

Jewellery and watches are beautiful and perennially popular investments. But the market is broad and diverse, and recognising true value can be a challenge. We work with acclaimed industry authorities to help inform and guide your investment journey.

If you’re searching for something special, we can help you to track down the very best examples and negotiate the very best prices.We’ll help catalogue and value your existing collection, confirm its probity, and ensure you are adequately insured. And if you’re thinking of realising some of the value tied up in jewellery and watches, we can take your items to market discreetly, efficiently and effectively.

Tangible and evocative

Precious metals have cast a hold over us for thousands of years. Investing in gold, silver or platinum provides an opportunity to diversify your wealth, acting as something of a safe haven, retaining value even while other assets are under pressure. And the very physicality of bars and coins in precious metals, and their historic resonance, speak to something deep in us.

We can connect you with advisers who can help to purchase and store gold bullion and other precious metals, and give you access to this truly evocative and timeless asset class.

I’m ready to find out more

Find out how we can help guide your wealth journey, access further information, make contact and meet us in person.

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