Case studies

Every client is unique, but many share similar challenges, opportunities and ambitions. From building an income to passing on wealth – our long experience and deep expertise guide and inform our work.

Restructuring a family’s wealth

Our client, an entrepreneur, was married with four children and four grandchildren. He enjoyed a large income surplus and was looking forward to the multi-million pound sale of his business. His focus was on investing to fund his existing lifestyle, inheritance tax planning to reduce the future liability on his estate, and investing for his grandchildren.

Many firms will have the technical knowledge to plan the structure of a family’s wealth; our advantage is to know how to enable the sometimes challenging conversations that guide that process.

Helping a business owner

Our client was ready to step away from leading her family business. She had hoped to gradually pass control to her nephew, but he was reluctant to join the firm. A competitor had offered to buy the business and she was tempted to accept. Having always invested in the business ahead of her own needs, her priorities were to understand her future personal requirements, maximise the value of the sale and invest for the long-term.

Your business may well be your most valuable asset. We can work with you to use it so it can secure your financial future.

Helping asset-rich clients

Our client, a woman in her late 70s, enjoyed assets in excess of £20 million but suffered from poor health. Her priorities were to spend the remainder of her life in the family home she loved, and to pass her wealth on in the most tax efficient way. With the majority of her assets held in property, along with a sizable share portfolio, ISAs and cash reserves, efficient income and inheritance tax planning were essential.

You may be asset rich, but are those assets helping you to maintain the life you want to lead? We can provide advice so you are able to make the most of your assets.

Preparing for divorce

Our client was new to RBC Brewin Dolphin, an additional rate taxpayer in her mid 50s and facing divorce. She approached us for a full review of her finances. She planned to split their wealth 50/50 with her non-earning spouse and was eager to understand the financial implications. With assets spread across property, investment portfolios, cash, bonds and other instruments, and held both jointly and individually, a fair distribution and careful tax planning were essential.

Life does not always pan out as you imagined. Our understanding of how to agree a fair settlement means that financial concerns are not an additional burden at a difficult time.

Helping returning ex-pats

Our clients, a UK-Australian couple in their 40s with two children, came to us seeking financial advice on returning to the UK. After living abroad for many years, their priorities were to explore implications arising from a mixed nationality marriage, and how to tax-efficiently manage assets, income and capital gains under the UK’s more complex tax system. They also wanted to source a mortgage. Their long-term intention is to retire to Australia once their children have left education.

You may be relocating to the UK permanently, or as a temporary move. We can provide financial planning advice to protect your wealth and reduce potential tax liabilities.

I’m ready to find out more

Find out how we can help guide your wealth journey, access further information, make contact and meet us in person.

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An exclusive service for clients with complex requirements, centred around the idea that no two clients are alike.