Simon Bird

Our people

Divisional Director – Investment Manager

“I find it fascinating meeting people and getting to know how they look at the world, what their challenges are and how we can help them to achieve their goals.”

Simon is a Divisional Director and an Investment Manager in our Marlborough office. He manages the relationships and portfolios of mainly private individuals and Court of Protection clients, as well as few charities and trusts. He offers each client a personalised experience, forming strong relationships with them based on trust.

He is proud of helping to assimilate and grow the Court of Protection book of clients whilst at RBC Brewin Dolphin. Through this he helps clients who have lost mental capacity by working alongside their appointed deputies to manage their investments.

Simon left university in 1994, having read Economics. From there he spent four years working in London, mainly for the investment bank Chase Manhattan as a Risk Analyst. In 1998 he went to work for the equity option market-maker Optiver in Amsterdam. He returned to the UK in 2011, joining RBC Brewin Dolphin as a Trainee Investment Manager. He is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

Contact Simon Bird