Carrie Keenan

Our people

Assistant Director – Investment Management

“Meeting clients and building relationships is the best part of the job. It’s wonderful to get back to face-face interactions with them.”
Phone number
01224 267 900

Carrie joined RBC Brewin Dolphin in 2009 and is an Investment Manager in our Aberdeen office. She manages discretionary portfolios for a wide range of clients. Whilst these are mainly private individuals and families, she also helps some charities and trusts.

Carrie, who has a degree in Scots Law, has also gained a family law accreditation through RBC Brewin Dolphin. This means that she works closely with private client and family law solicitors on issues such as succession planning and divorce settlements. In these cases, she helps with investment advice and management of funds.

Carrie began her financial services career with RBC Brewin Dolphin as a graduate trainee. She became an Assistant Director in 2021 and is RBC Brewin Dolphin’s Scottish representative as a partner of the WealthiHer network. She is a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment and is a Chartered Wealth Manager.

Contact Carrie Keenan