Campbell MacLachlan

Our people

Head of office (Newcastle)

“Intermediaries has been a great area of growth for the office. My clients have become friends over the years, even giving presents to my children! Professional and personal is crucial to our success.”

Campbell joined RBC Brewin Dolphin in 2000 and is a Senior Investment Manager in the Newcastle office. He heads up a team of ten that particularly focus on working with professional intermediaries such as independent financial advisers.

He also looks after private clients, high-net-worth individuals and charities. He and his team have built the Intermediaries service from scratch, forging strong links with local firms and trustee boards. They have built on the relationships that were established, initially as the stockbroker Wise Speke and, more recently, as RBC Brewin Dolphin.

Campbell is proud to live in the North-east and has spent his entire working life in the Newcastle office. Over the years he has been fortunate to act for a wide array of clients, from all walks of life, and is delighted by how many have stuck with him throughout. He is a member of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment.

Contact Campbell Maclachlan