Andrew Asquith-Vallance

Our people

Chartered Financial Planner

“I always say: behave like you’re advising your own grandparents. Put that amount of care and value into asking the right questions, teasing out objectives and coming up with solutions.”

Andrew is responsible for providing clients, including high-net-worth individuals, families, trusts and charities with financial planning advice. He specialises in pensions, investments, and inheritance tax. He also provides advice to business owners looking to exit who are seeking both investment income and to protect their wealth. He joined RBC Brewin Dolphin in 2018.

Andrew began his financial services career in 2000 working in corporate finance in London for JP Morgan before moving to PricewaterhouseCoopers. In 2004 he moved back to his native Cumbria with SIPP and SSAS provider Wensley Mackay.

Andrew, who has an Advanced Diploma in Financial Planning and is a Chartered Financial Planner, has also appeared on BBC One O’clock News giving advice about pensions. Away from the office he is a trustee of the Triple A charity which helps autistic adults.

Contact Andrew Asquith Vallance