Top 5 Execution venues 2017
The tables in the below attachment show the top five execution venues for each class of financial instruments split between Retail and Professional clients. These are based on the value of the trade.
Best Execution – Top 5 Venues
Should you require further information or assistance in relation to the information published, please contact your Investment Manager or Financial Planner, who will be able to assist you and answer your queries within a reasonable time.
This report has been produced in line with the requirements set out by regulation on a best endeavours basis. Due to the fact that the period under report precedes these new requirements, there are some exceptions due to the lack of available data where this was not previously required. The report details values in Sterling currency and where relevant are converted to Sterling based on the exchange rate obtained at the time of the trade rather than the European Central Bank exchange rates which will be required for future reporting, as the historic data does not facilitate this static conversion rate. Currently the percentage differentiation between passive or aggressive orders is not available in this report as the requirement to capture this data was not a requirement during the period covered by the report.