Our approach to agile working
We believe that agile working can help us to balance work with demands from other areas of life.
Our approach is built on a set of principles which align to our values of Genuine, Expert and Ambitious, and which continue to put our clients and colleagues at the heart of what we do. We believe this approach combines the best of what we’ve learned from working at home with the benefits of working with colleagues in the office.
- RBC Brewin Dolphin’s culture is founded on our care for our clients and our colleagues. We believe that most people are at their most happy, healthy and productive when they balance their time working in the office and at home. Our approach to agile working recognises the importance of the needs of our clients, while creating a better balance for our colleagues.
- For most roles we support people spending some of their time working from home. We also recognise that the collective performance of teams is enhanced by working together in person. This inspires creativity, innovation, and collaboration; ensuring that teams are successful and inclusive.
- We have many different roles and effective working arrangements will vary. There are some roles where office presence will be required every day to ensure delivery of service to our clients and essential office services. There will be times for all roles when effectiveness is improved by increased office presence and we all need to be flexible, to share that responsibility and reduce the likelihood of pressure on individuals.
- When considering agile working arrangements, we have a collective accountability for the performance of the whole team, how we support each other and how we help our colleagues learn and grow.
On the basis of these principles, managers and colleagues will discuss what their agile working arrangements are for the team and individual colleagues.